Memorial to the Murdered Jews

On the walking tour, we visited the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. It’s a very solemn feeling to be there and walk amongst the erected stelae. There are 2,711 of these concrete blocks, all different sizes and heights to get you to think about how each person who perished during the Nazi reign was an individual, someone with their own story and own “measurements” so-to-speak.

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The memorial has this haunting aura about it, which was expected in the design to provoke the visitors to contemplate and be confused as they walk among the memorial.

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The simplicity of the memorial is the true beauty, in my opinion. Some critics believe more should be added to this memorial to truly honor those who lost their lives in the Holocaust. I think the plain concrete slabs makes the visitor think more about it, rather than be distractedly in awe of an elaborately designed memorial. I believe at that point people would be there to take pictures because of its majesty and not really be there to acknowledge those who perished. Although it is a major tourist spot, it is also worthy of going. So if you’re avoiding being a tourist, get over it for this memorial and visit!


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