Who’s hungry?!

Here’s my first food blog, which is probably a little overdue. Since Berlin is a metropolitan city, many cultures come together. The result of many cultures coming together is that many types of food come together! Germans are also known for special dishes of their own. Ultimately, you can’t go wrong here with food: options for everyone and every diet!

Interesting facts:

– water costs as much as a Cola at most places

– beer is their water

– everything comes in one size, no small, medium or large

-it’s disrespectful to not start eating when your food comes, so no waiting for everyone else at the table to get their meal — dig in!

Day1  (57) Bratwurst and Berliner Veiser to drink (raspberry flavored beer). Typical German meal here at the Prater Biergarten.


berlin20 Berlin21 Minh Quang Thai Bistro meal. Yellow curry with chicken and a Sunday Rose cocktail (the restaurant’s special drink!).


berlin28 berlin39  Back Factory (bakery/pastry shop) in Alexanderplatz. Filled croissant with a slushie to cool down on this hot day. Their pastries here are delicious!



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